FEDIAF 2019 Recommended Nutrient Levels for Dogs Unit Per 1000 kcal of Metabolized Energy (ME)
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) ensures the scientific standards of the recommended nutrient levels and advises FEDIAF about up to date research so that the information can be transferred into the guidelines and applied to current feeding practices. The recommended values are science based and account for practical feeding.
The table below is current as of March 2019.
MR- Minimum Recommended: The lowest amount of a specific nutrient level recommended.
MER- Maintenance Energy Requirement: The energy required to support energy equilibrium over a long period of time.
ME- Metabolized Energy: This is the digestible energy less the energy lost in urine and combustible gases.
NR- Nutrient Requirement: The quantity that must be supplied to an animal in order to satisfy its metabolic needs. It reflects the minimum average level of intake of a nutrient which is sufficient to maintain the desired biochemical or physiological functions of canines over time.
RA- Recommended Allowance: The advised amount of a nutrient level.
Max- Maximum: The highest level of a nutrient that should be fed.